16 April, 2019Create ledger journals using X++ is quite a common task, in this post I'll try to describe possible options how to perform it
07 March, 2019X++ tool that adds a system field name in a standard query filter field lookup
06 March, 2019Working with the financial dimensions framework has become much more difficult starting with the AX2012. This post describes the most common problems and how to resolve them
27 February, 2019Global class is a standard class that contains a lot of small static functions. This post describes additional functions that extend it.
13 February, 2019Fields list form is an extended version of the standard Show all fields form with the additional features such as displaying all fields with the extended information, comparing and editing
30 January, 2019Understanding blocking is a key component of resolving performance issues. You can have fast CPU, a lot of memory, but if you face SQL blocking problem all these will not be fully utilized
08 January, 2019'RunBase class builder' Add-in parameters description and usage scenarious
22 December, 2018Using Financial reporting (aka Management Reporter in Ax2012) on local DEV D365FO one box requires some addition settings, that are not yet documented. This post describes the problem and a possible solution.