Addin to generate Data provider and Controller class in X++

June 17, 2020

One of the most common applications of X++ SysOperation framework in D365FO is to build reports. In a common scenario, you need to create three classes: Contract, Data provider and Controller.

To generate all three classes, I extended my "TRUDUtils - DataContract class builder" Add-ins. You run it from the Dynamics 365 - Addins menu.

Let's consider the following example - a contract class AATestReportContract with 2 fields

Data contract form

Data provider

To generate a template code for a data provider class you need to specify "y" for "Generate report DP(y)" parameter and specify a data provider table(better to use TempDB table here).

The following class with 2 methods - getReportDataTmp() and processReport() will be generated

SRSReportQueryAttribute(queryStr(LedgerJournalTrans))]  //Change query
public class AATestReportDP extends SrsReportDataProviderPreProcessTempDB
    TmpLedgerConsTrans tmpLedgerConsTrans;

    public TmpLedgerConsTrans getReportDataTmp()
        select * from tmpLedgerConsTrans;
        return tmpLedgerConsTrans;

    public void processReport()
        AATestReportContract   reportContract;
        Query           query;

        reportContract  = this.parmDataContract();
        query           = this.parmQuery();
        //populate tempdb table here..


In order to generate a sample controller class, you need to specify "y" for "Generate report controller(y)" parameter.

In this case, the following class will be generated

public class AATestReportController extends SrsReportRunController
    protected void prePromptModifyContract()
        AATestReportContract      contract;
        contract = this.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract() as AATestReportContract;
        //handle external record
        if (!args || ! args.record() || args.dataset() != tablenum(CustGroup))
            throw error(strfmt("@GLS110030",tablestr(CustGroup)));
        CustGroup custGroup = args.record();
        //Query query = this.getFirstQuery();

    public static void main (Args args)
        AATestReportController         reportController;

        reportController  = new AATestReportController();


After generation, you need to modify a code according to your needs. Addin allows you to do less typing and focus more on report logic.

If you are new to SSRS reports development, Docentric has a great post Create a new custom SSRS report in D365FO. Also Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 White Paper: Report Programming Model provides some development examples.


You can download this "DataContract class builder" from the following link If you find that something is missing or can be improved, don't hesitate to leave a comment.

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Denis Trunin
Written by Denis Trunin

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